M.A. in Practical Theology
The Fellowship Theological Seminary Online serves students from many church traditions and backgrounds(denominational and independent). A commitment to practical theology is a guiding principle of curricular and program development, generating a wealth of collaborations and connections between the School and congregations and pastoral leaders across the country. The object of study in practical theology is therefore the praxis of God. These practical verbs can be ecclesiological expressions of the praxis of God, which in essence is the outreach of God to people in need. From a liberation perspective, the primary task of practical theology is not to serve the church, but to serve society, and specifically to liberate oppressed communities. The research methodology which this model of practical theological research requires is that of qualitative research. This method is most appropriate because in qualitative research design we can only state at the outset what we may hope or expect to discover. The Fellowship Theological Seminary Online serves students from many church traditions and backgrounds(denominational and independent). We desire to assist students, within their own ministry and church tradition, to become more effective in their various spheres of influence.