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Fellowship Theological Seminary

The Fellowship Theological Seminary Online has been created at a crucial juncture for the Body of Christ. We have  a focus on training for all laypersons and ordained ministers.

Complex Online Education

Fellowship Theological Seminary Online will deliver on our promise through a careful systematic teaching process for student learning and engaging, interactive activities that transcend traditional learning.

Degree Programs

Our academic degrees levels include: Certificate, AS, BS, MS, and M.Div., Doctorate, Post-Doctorate.  After completing the course, you will receive a certificate confirming your knowledge.


The Fellowship Theological Seminary Online has been created at a crucial juncture for the Body of Christ. In the past teachers were faced with hundreds of students and a handful of teachers. Over the coming years, the Fellowship Theological Seminary Online will reach thousands of students with competent and affordable teachers. We have done this through a systematic referral program for students from churches, focused on student satisfaction, and a focus on training for all laypersons and ordained ministers.  The positioning goal for Fellowship Theological Seminary Online is to be the best bible theology learning option for residents globally who need both a structured atmosphere and an affordable price. Its primary purpose is to enable the school to reach students with affordable bible theology classes which set them up to achieve real breakthroughs in bible theology learning. We believes that communication through bible theology learning is important for many to have successful, happy lives and careers, and to achieve their greatest potential in the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.   Start your ministry education now!


A Sense of the Urgent Need

The Fellowship Theological Seminary is convinced that there is an urgent need in the church today for much greater understanding of Christian doctrine, or systematic theology. Not only pastors and teachers need to understand theology in greater depth—the whole church does as well. One day by God’s grace we may have churches full of Christians who can discuss, apply, and live the doctrinal teachings of the Bible as readily as they can discuss the details of their own jobs or hobbies—or the fortunes of their favorite sports team or television program. It is not that Christians lack the ability to understand doctrine; it is just that they must have access to it in an understandable form. Once that happens, We think that many Christians will find that understanding (and living) the doctrines of Scripture is one of their greatest joys.

We believe that there is still much hope for the church to attain deeper and purer doctrinal understanding, and to overcome old barriers, even those that have persisted for centuries. Jesus is at work perfecting his church “that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27), and he has given gifts to equip the church “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God” (Eph. 4:13). Though the past history of the church may discourage us, these Scriptures remain true, and we should not abandon hope of greater agreement. Again, the mission of Fellowship Theological Seminary Online University is to educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community.

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